DouBranding, Packaging, Art Direction2024 Glowing up, I always remember mom making a glass of fresh soymilk in the morning. With the simplest ingredients, the smooth and creamy soymilk comforts me and reminds me of the sweetness of home. To deliver that taste and love, I create Dou soymilk, a brand that offers homemade quality soymilk made only with water and organic soybeans.

Philips HuePackaging, 3D2023
We often see standardized light bulb packaging, but it can be attractive and expressive while protecting the product. The new packaging is designed to transmit the light bulb's concept of light and color. The packaging is made of recycled plastic waste from the base to the lid for a more durable and sustainable solution. Through this redesign, I hope the packaging sparks the light for the product.

ADC Young Ones              
Communication Arts          

Branding, Packaging2022
Agency: Thinkpackage

Ten-Twenty-Two is an American fusion delivery-only restaurant offering a unique menu combining classic American dishes with exotic flavors. By embracing diverse cultures and influences, the identity is built in with a bold, nostalgic, and playful vibe.

NewOne Award

Moka MatchaBranding2023
Agency: Thinkpackage

Located around Grand Central, Moka Matcha offers freshly baked pastries, coffee, and tea for travelers and office commuters to make a stop and enjoy the food made with love.

ChimBranding, Web Design, Motion, 3D2021
Chim is born and designed for customers who love handy tablewares. The brand offers transformable dinner plates and stackable cups.

© Siyu Shen